These books will become your greatest allies to combat fussy eating, lay the foundations for a lifelong love of healthy food and improve the dinnertime experience for all members of the family.

Step 1. Read

Read the Dinner Plate Pals with your child. Reading is a time for fun, connection and imagination. Be immersed in the story, show some enthusiasm and use silly voices. Does your child want you to read it again? Great. Read it again!

Step 2. Play

Now it's time to let your child's imagination run wild. Give them some real food to play with or let them engage in other food related play. Use your imagination, have happy conversations and play out little adventures with your fresh produce friends.

Step 3. Serve

It's dinner time! Excitedly point out the foods and characters you recognise on your plate. "Look, it's Bocci the Brave!". Encourage your child to take bites and talk about the adventures their food will go on. Even if they don't eat it straight away, engaging happily with their meal is an important part of the journey.

Step 4. Repeat

Now we get to do it all again. Watch your child's confidence and curiosity around healthy foods grow.

Step 5 (optional). Share

If you capture any adorable moments of your kids reading the Dinner Plate Pals, playing with their favourite foodie heros, or having hilarious chats about their Dinner Plate Pals then please share by tagging on instagram or emailing We would love to see how the Dinner Plate Pals are fitting in with your family!

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